Lunar diplomacy osrs
Lunar diplomacy osrs

lunar diplomacy osrs

When they've been tanned, simply use a needle and thread on them to make the pieces of the suit. Tanning costs 100gp per hide, and you need four tanned hides all up. To make the torso, gloves, boots and trousers, use a Suqah hide that you collected previously, and get it tanned at the town clothes shop, run by Rimae Sirsalis. Take the tiara to Meteora and she will give you the amulet. Collect the hides as well, as you will need these later on. To acquire the amulet speak to Meteora, who will tell you to kill Suqahs (Level-111) in the north-east area until you receive a tiara. She will ask you to guess her real name - Jane Blud Hajic Maid is the correct response. To acquire the cape speak to Pauline in the north-western-most house in the village. Smelt and smith the ore in Rellekka to make the helm. To make the helm you will need to mine some Lunar ore, which can be found in the dungeon north-east of the town. You need to make a helm, cape, amulet, torso, gloves, boots, trousers and a ring. The Oneiromancer tells you that there are eight pieces needed to make the suit. Items needed: Pickaxe, Hammer, Pestle and Mortar, Needle, Thread, 400GP, Spade. Once you have the Lunar staff, head back to Oneiromancer who will tell you that you need to make a nifty suit. She tells you that you need to use a dramen staff on the air, fire, water and earth runecrafting altars in that exact order to make a Lunar Staff. Once you've made the potion, head south-east again and speak to Oneiromancer. Grab your Guam leaf and Marrentill, then go and kill the Suqahs (Level-111) until you receive a Suqah tooth ( Picture). Speak to Baba Yaga, who will say that you need to make a potion - she then gives you a special vial ( Picture). Items needed: Marrentill, Guam Leaf, Dramen Staff, Air, Water, Earth and Fire Tiaras/Talismans or an Elemental Talisman.Īfter the cutscene, speak to Meteora (south-west of the bank in a house with a sink) and she tells you to head to the south-east section of the isle to speak to their leader Oneiromancer who is located next to the new altar.Īfter speaking to Oneiromancer, go north-west of the town and enter a house with chicken legs.

  • On a large metal object - The cannon south-east of the Cabin boy ( Picture).
  • On a support - The support pillar on the bottom floor of the ship (next to the chef) ( Picture).
  • On a box - Northern-most chest on the bottom floor of the ship ( Picture).
  • On a container - The crate in the kitchen ( Picture).
  • On the wall - The chart on the wall behind the First mate ( Picture).
  • Once you have done this, speak to the Captain and set off: Put the lantern together, light it and use the lantern on the objects listed below, with more specific locations. You may have to talk to him twice but he'll give you a lantern case and emerald lens. Speak to the cabin boy, who will admit to planting five jinx symbols on the ship he will tell you roughly where they are. Now go and speak to First Mate 'Davey-Bo.' Then go up to the top floor of the boat, and speak to Lecherous Lee, near the cabin boy ( Picture). After speaking to Shultz, go to the Beefy Burns, the Chef. Once you've agreed to help, speak to 'Eagle-eye' Shultz, north of the Captain's deck, and ask about the jinx ( Picture). Go back to the Captain again and he'll ask you to find who jinxed the ship. Go to 'Birds-Eye' Jack, the Navigator ( Picture), and he says there's a jinx on the ship. Speak to the Captain again and he suggests you speak to the navigator. Speak to Captain Bentley to set off ( Picture). When you have the Seal of Passage, head back to Lokar and board the ship. Make sure you keep this at all times throughout the quest. Now speak to Brundt the Chieftain in the pub in Fremennik, who will give you the Seal of Passage ( Picture). To begin the quest, make your way to the Fremennik docks, and speak to Lokar.

    Lunar diplomacy osrs