Musescore triplets
Musescore triplets

You can learn more technical stuff later, and eventually compose something you're proud of, but when it comes to just getting started, just fuck around and see what happens. There's honestly a million more things I could say and if you really wanna ask, just pm me, but I feel like "open up the app and start messing around" is really the best way to get yourself started. To make a private score public, follow the same steps as above. Go to My scores, check the box to the left of the score (s) you wish to make private, and select Make content private in the Action menu at the top. When you're playing songs on the piano, you can see the chord progression right in front of you, and learn cool ways to do music. In MuseScore, go to File / Save Online., and check the box for Make this score private near the middle of the window. This just is showing which notes are in the triplet. Sometimes you’ll see a bracket over the notes as shown below. If I could make one suggestion in particular, I'd say learn songs on the piano. We write a triplet by adding a number three above or below the notes that it applies to. I don't know how many, if any, instruments you own, but I'd suggest learning new songs on whatever you can play. A community devoted to the Musescore notation software and the online score sharing website associated with Press J to jump to the feed. One thing I'd recommend is to continue to learn music. 2, in F minor, is an étude composed by Frédéric Chopin. So if you paste a 1/2 note onto a triplet of 3 1/4 notes, the tuplet is preserved (the first note is changed to a 1/2 note inside the triplet), but if you paste a dotted 1/2 note or longer, then tuplet is.

musescore triplets

This takes the pressure off of having to create an original progression, and again, this helps you figure out what works for you and what doesn't MuseScore crashes However there's a bunch of other problematic behaviours when copying/pasting notes/rests on to existing notes/rests. If you're really at a loss for what to do, take a chord progression from a song you know (it can be popular, classical, jazz (don't do jazz), anything), modify it a bit if you want to, and write your own melody over it (Jazz musicians do this all the time). I looked at the post you made on r:music and honestly, if you know basic piano, I'm gonna assume you have a piano or at least understand how what chords are, and literally you can just go into Musescore and start messing around with stuff and trying to figure out what works.

Musescore triplets